Code Names: System 6.0.4: Antares; System 6.0.5: Big Deal; System 6.0.6: SixPack;
System 6.0.8: Terminator
In chooser version 3.6 click on the version number to see the credits "scott douglass, fjs, jhl" in the User Name box.
Control Panels
To see a few credits, click on the version number in the lower left-hand corner of the application. This applies to the combined control panels where they are all accessed through one application. The version I checked was 3.3.3.
Early Copy of Multifinder
Code Names: Juggler, Oggler, Twitcher
Leave the “About MultiFinder” box open for about an hour. It will turn into the message “[rot13] V jnag zl, V jnag zl, V jnag zl ybbx naq srry.”
Brad Brown ( adds this:
The rot 13 means the letters are rotated down the alphabet 13 letters. When you take it back to normal, it says: "I want my, I want my, I want my look and feel."
MultiFinder 1.0 (distributed with System Software prior to 6.0)
Hold down Command and Option while selecting "About Multifinder" from the bottom of the Apple menu. A scrolling list of credits appears.
MultiFinder 6.0
Select “About MultiFinder” and leave the dialogue box open for an hour or longer. If you don’t have the time, patience, or system it says: